Miss Ass Kicker

The Legend of Korra has recently started up again and the new season is even better than the previous ones!

For those of you who have never heard of this show (people have a life outside tv and Netflix? Gasp!), Legend of Korra is the sequel to the series Avatar: The last Airbender. I grew up watching Avatar and it’s still one of my favourite animated series (alongside Teen Titans, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and many others..it’s hard to choose really)

Legend of Korra’s lead character is (you guessed it) Korra, an 18 year old ass-kicker. I find the presence of Korra very refreshing amidst the male dominated superhero world.
And she doesn’t even need to be half naked to grab your attention

Ever think that bikinis might not be the best option for body armour?

It’s not just Korra though, the show also features Lin Beifong. She is the brave and loyal Chief of police of Republic City and an incredible metal bender.

Then there is Asami. She is a non-bender but she can still hold her own when it comes to taking out bad guys (and girls). Not only that, she is also a business woman who has inherited Future Industries and is working hard to re-establish the company’s prestige on a global scale.

This is obviously not the only reason the show is so incredible, but it is a very important reason for me. I really think that it helps in breaking down the ‘helpless girl’ stereotype and gives little girls a couple of worthy role models to look up to.